Purposeful Power Player

Friday, April 21, 2006


Yesterday, I felt like I had it all under control.

Today, I feel like I just don't know where to turn.

I am down another pound in my weight loss. Maybe because today is Friday, I feel so unfocused. It's like I just don't know what to do with myself. I feel anxious little bit too. I don't know why.

Yesterday, I was ready to purchase my stuff for fitness challenge....and well right now at this very moment I could give a hot damn.

I guess sometimes we (I mean humans...people) get all brand new on ourseleves when it's time to make a change. It's like we get nervous about making that change. It's pulling me out of my comfort zone. And it's like if I spend the money on this stuff it all becomes real. And sometimes it's hard to deal with REAL.

Wow...I actually feel better. I feel like I've talked it with a therapist or something....

It's about to rain. Yesterday it was 80 something degrees. Now it's an overcast....where are the blue skies?

I'll blame my quick mood swing on the weather. It does it to ya EVERY time!....

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